Guide, How To Sell

How To Post Your Product On Bicoshopnline, A Guide For All Vendors Or Sellers

how to post a product on bicoshopnline

There are a few things you must know concerning how to post your product on Bicoshopnline. Note that it is straightforward to use the website.

To attract customers, the shop requires well-posted products with the right "Specifications (i.e. Specs) or Additional Detailed Information.
'Fake items are not allowed because administrators constantly monitor the activities of customers and vendors on the site.

The administrators have the right to remove items that are not correctly posted or considered illegal products like guns and bullets, drugs, etc.
We do not entertain such products on our website.

Below is how to post your product on Bicoshopnline.
You can also watch our Tutorial Video on how to post a product on Bicoshoponline.

How To Upload Your Goods And Services On Bicoshoponline

First, you must ensure you have opened or registered a Vendor Account on Bicoshoponline.

If you haven't opened your account yet, please click here to create your vendor account on

Now that you have opened your Bicoshoponline Vendor Account, please follow these steps to post and advertise your product on

  • On the Bicoshoponline Homepage, click the "Store Manager" menu. Mobile users should click on the menu icon and select the "Store Manager" menu item.
  • When you click "Store Manager", your "Bicoshoponline Store Manager" dashboard will open. Click on "Product" and select "Add New". Mobile users should click on the "Add New Icon  ".
  • In addition to the above information, every vendor must indicate whether the products their posting is simple, external/affiliate, variable or grouped product.

Now, take note of the following.

Essential Things You Should Note

Products like mobile phones, cars, laptops, etc., all fall under simple products.
You must also indicate whether the product is catalogue, virtual or downloadable.

You must select 'catalogue' for tangible products such as vehicles, electronic gadgets, etc. Vendors should Tick ' Downloadable' for online readable books and PDFs.

Every vendor must describe the products and add nice pictures to attract buyers.

You need to select the category which your products fall under.

The site will also help you to provide attributes about your products so that the buyer can know the exact item they are buying.

After you post, the product will go through a review before it goes public on the site.
The site will send you a message about whether your product is approved or rejected.
Every vendor should provide accurate information about their store and products to make it easy for customers to do business with them.

Enjoy your partnership with Bicoshoponline.

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3 thoughts on “How To Post Your Product On Bicoshopnline, A Guide For All Vendors Or Sellers

  1. ŸÃW PRØŠPÊR says:

    I want to sell my phone

    1. Bicoshoponline says:

      Please follow the videos from this link to setup your online store:

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